Heart of Communities.

Full of heart in sport

There are so many different communities that surround us in life. Communities in your town or city, sports, work, education, health, family, friends, boards, entrepreneurs. What is the heart of your community? What or who do you consider your community? How do you give back to your community?

One of the communities I find full of heart is sport. Have you ever stood in the middle of a big sporting event, like a race, prior to the start and observed others around you? It is amazing what you hear; the different emotions, the energy, are incredible. Communities of friends, new friends, or complete strangers feel very comfortable having a conversation or supporting each other through this journey. They all have a common interest, but whether it’s someone’s first race ever, or friends have come together for a cause close to their hearts, participants all have a goal and a reason that have brought them to the start line. This truly inspires me to race, to be surrounded by this community of amazing human beings.

Ever wanted to be an entrepreneur?

Have you ever wanted to be an entrepreneur? Or have an idea or dream you wanted to bring to life? Maybe you feel afraid, nervous, excited for the endless possibilities, and you have ideas you’d like to bounce off others? The one thing I am learning is others want to help; they want to see you succeed. I asked people in my communities, would you be willing to support someone trying to create their dreams?

I recently started to put myself out there and share my thoughts and new ideas, my dreams. It was a bit scary but worth it. And others wanted to hear my ideas and share best practices and offer suggestion to see me succeed. I am grateful for these people in my life. I also wanted to hear their thoughts, ideas and dreams. I’ve seen an idea that came out of one small conversation turn into an action item for a group of women entrepreneurs. If you have an idea or dream in your heart, JUST DO IT! And believe in your heart.

I challenge you to put yourself out there, even if it is scary. What do you have to lose? My dream is to pay it forward to future aspiring entrepreneurs and anyone looking to share their exciting ideas and creations! How awesome would this be?!

I cherish the moments I have with my family

One community that sits very close to my heart is family. As I go through different stages of my life, and have seen the different seasons change, this season has been one that has hit close to my heart. Why? I don’t know if I am getting wiser or if I am seeing things from a different perspective, having more time and clarity to focus on what truly is important in my life. As the leaves change this season, as the leaves blow away or disintegrate, I cherish the moments I have with my family: taking the time to sit and listen, give them a hug, tell them how much they are loved, support them on the tough days and the great days, and celebrate successes no matter how small or big. This community of family brings so much love into our lives.

How can you pay this forward through heart?

Do you remember seeing someone paying it forward? Maybe you saw someone in line at the grocery store who couldn’t afford their groceries, and someone else stepped in to pay? This is community at its best, coming together to support each other. I could continue writing about other communities and my own experiences, but I challenge you to share or create courageous moments in your community. How can you bring more heart and support into your communities? How are you already doing this? How can you pay it forward through heart?

Witten by Sarah McPherson


Racing from Pain to Passion.